Carrie Ibbetson RDH

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How to Safely Remove Tartar at Home with Periogen

Tartar, the hardened plaque that vexes dental hygienists and our gums alike, has long been the cause of dread during dental visits. Commonly requiring professional removal using tools that could double as construction equipment, tartar is more than a nuisance. Its rough surface attracts more plaque, the enemy of healthy teeth and gums, leading to bad breath and potential gum disease. But what if you could effectively remove tartar at home, sparing both your gums and wallet the ordeal? Enter Periogen, a revolutionary oral rinse designed to dissolve tartar safely and effectively.

What is Tartar and Why Does it Matter?

Tartar, essentially petrified plaque, provides a surface where new plaque can easily attach and multiply. This plaque harbors harmful bacteria, causing your gums to bleed and leading to other complications. Food particles get stuck in the complex structure of tartar, making bad breath even worse.

The roughness of tartar is especially detrimental to gums. It causes irritation, leading to gum inflammation and bleeding. Over time, the persistence of tartar can even cause your gums to recede. In the worst-case scenario, as the gums pull away, so does the bone that holds the teeth in place. So, is it safe to remove tartar at home?

Can You Really Remove Tartar at Home?

The simple answer is yes. With advances in dental care products, it's now possible to tackle this dental dilemma in the comfort of your home. Periogen stands out as a prime example. Designed to specifically target tartar, Periogen offers an effective solution with its key ingredients Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate and Sodium Tripolyphosphate. Both of these are clinically proven to be effective in preventing tartar buildup, making Periogen a game-changer in oral health care.

How Does Periogen Work?

Periogen is not your ordinary mouth rinse. It relies on the unique properties of four ingredients:

  • Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate: A potent "tartar control" agent that removes calcium and magnesium from saliva, thereby preventing them from depositing on your teeth.

  • Sodium Tripolyphosphate: This mineral-based ingredient binds calcium present in saliva, reducing tartar formation on the tooth surface.

  • Baking Soda: Provides a gentle cleaning action while also helping to maintain a healthy pH balance in your mouth.

  • Citric Acid: Acts as a stabilizer, ensuring that all active ingredients remain effective.

The Benefits of Using Periogen

  • Cost-Effective: The cost of a dental cleaning ranges from $100-$1,200. Periogen offers a more affordable long-term solution.

  • Preventing Tartar: Regular use of Periogen can prevent tartar buildup, sparing you from more severe dental issues like gum disease or dental implants.

  • pH Balance: The formula establishes a healthy oral pH, important in preventing tartar and other dental issues.

Other Natural Remedies for Tartar

While Periogen is a revolutionary product, there are other methods you can try to rid of tartar and prevent tartar buildup. These include:

  • Sesame Seeds: Chewing sesame seeds and then brushing your teeth can help in scrubbing off plaque and tartar.

  • White Vinegar: It contains acetic acid that helps prevent demineralization of enamel as well as prevents and reduces the accumulation of plaque.

  • Orange Peels: Rubbing orange peels directly onto your teeth can help fight tartar-building microorganisms on the enamel.

Bottom Line

The importance of oral hygiene cannot be overstated. Alongside regular brushing and flossing, incorporating an effective mouth rinse like Periogen into your daily routine can make all the difference in preventing and reducing tartar. Say goodbye to the dreaded dental drill and take control of your oral health today!

Note: Despite the available home remedies and over-the-counter products, nothing can substitute for a professional dental cleaning. Be sure to consult your dentist for personalized advice.

What are your thoughts on tackling tartar? Share your experiences or tips in the comments below!

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