Discover the Benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic: A Healthier Natural Mouthwash Alternative

Benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic Benefits

If you are like most other consumers today, you are probably wondering about the benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic. Sure, you’ve been told since you were young that mouthwash should be part of a proper dental hygiene routine so why is this product different? Can’t you just get the same effects from a commercial mouthwash rather than ordering natural dental products?

Tooth and Gums Tonic Difference

Although commercial products have done an okay job of helping to improve oral health, they never really get your mouth totally clean. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that fresh mouth feeling everyday like you have when you leave the dentist?

Well, one of the primary benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic is that it has the ability to literally cling to tissues longer than commercial products. This means that it can penetrate deeper and clean more thoroughly. While it’s sticking to those hard to reach places, it’s also offering healing properties which reduces infection and increases oral health.

All Natural Tooth and Gums Tonic

There’s a long list of reasons why people are switching to natural dental products today. As more consumers are becoming educated on the dangers associated with products they put in and on their body, they are looking for healthier and safer alternatives.One of the benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic is that it contains no artificial flavors, chemicals, sweeteners, preservatives or other harmful ingredients. The herbs in these dental hygiene products are either ecologically wild-crafted or organically produced so you can feel good about using it.


Another one of the benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic is that it continues to work far beyond the present. The product disperses an all-natural compound that’s plant-derived that penetrates deeper than just addressing surface bacteria. It is able to hold onto the tissue longer which lets it work more effectively.For even more benefits, apply the tonic with a handheld syringe under the gums or with an interdental brush in between the teeth.

Tooth and Gums Tonic Oral Health

Of course, one of the greatest benefits of Tooth and Gums Tonic is that the product improves oral health. The herbs and essential oils that it contains have been used for many centuries to maintain dental hygiene. Ingredients like extracts of Echinacea and gotu kola, red thyme, eucalyptus, lavender and cinnamon bark work together to stimulate and maintain the healthiest teeth and gums possible.

Want To Take Control Of Your Oral Health?

Check out our free guides for pH control products and controlling kids' cavities. These comprehensive guides provide tips and tricks to help you achieve better oral health. 

And if you're ready to take your oral health to the next level, be sure to sign up for our course. Our oral health coaching program is designed to help you achieve optimal oral health.

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Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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