Why I put down my scraping tools and picked up your home care tools!

Passion in the making

I can remember long ago (before dental hygiene school) that I knew I didn’t want to spend my life “cleaning” teeth.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing “wrong” with being a dental hygienist (except maybe for the looks that I get when I tell people what it is that I do…those reactions vary from anguish, marvel, disgust, and the occasional stranger opening their mouth in a public place for me to “just take a look at this and tell me what you think”).

All in all, I love the interaction, I love the relationships that I have made, and I love that when I learned how to, I could be effective at making a difference in people’s lives far bigger than I imagined.

Making a difference when “cleaning”

Last week (when I was working as a hygienist) I had 4 patients either hug me or cry (or both) because I was able to help them work through the terror of visiting the dentist, without putting them through an anguishing appointment, only to tell them to return in 3-6 months to do it all over again.  I have patients that call me to see where I am “working” so that they can come in to see me. 

This is not because I am the BEST HYGIENIST IN THE WORLD; it is because my passion is really helping people figure it out for themselves instead of just scraping away like I am mining for gold.This is the “work” that I love, the chance to free someone from the ball and chain that ties them to a dental professional, the chance for someone to feel like they are in control of their own destiny when it comes to the health of their mouth, the chance for them to feel like their mouth is not hopeless and they would rather have dentures, and the chance to feel like they aren’t offending people when they speak to their peers or clients because of the odor coming from their mouth.

Sometimes the smallest changes make the biggest difference

Have you ever had a cleaning  appointment that started with you sitting up, looking at YOUR mouth and seeing what areas are truly healthy, and what areas have “build up” or “inflammation”? 

Has your hygienist ever taken a toothbrush out of the package and actually brushed your teeth so that you can actually LEARN how to do it vs. just telling you to brush better?  Have you had the chance to actually learn HOW to manipulate each tool that you use so that you are effective in your home care…….or if truth be told, are you even interested in that at all?  I have learned that people often say they are interested in knowing, but in reality they are not willing to take the small steps to make a huge difference, and that too is okay!!

If your dental professional has helped you in these ways, I applaud them, because after working in hundreds of offices seeing patients as a temporary hygienist I can honestly say that 99% of the people I see say that no-one has ever done any of those things, and certainly not at the beginning of the appointment when you are eager to learn vs. being tired having your mouth open for what seems like hours with someone poking and scraping away.

Picking up where dentistry is falling short

In my opinion, this is where we fail the community we serve!  Fear not, this is not a rambling manifesto (I have plenty of those on the blog if you are interested), there is a solution, and I have worked hard at creating it!  I have figured out a way to reach you all, without you stepping foot in an office or even a dental chair!!

There is a solution

I have spent months creating 21 Days to a Healthy Mouth, and it’s packed full of information that you can use to become successful in the health of your teeth and gums.  It takes 21 days to create a habit, so why not just spend 21 days learning little bits and pieces that turn into a whole big piece when you are finished! 

Best of all, you have full access to repeat each step as you become more comfortable with new techniques and explore new products.  If you were to see me for cleanings and I were to teach you something each time, it would be roughly 12 years to get all of this pertinent information!

Making new habits easy

I invite you to jump in and go for it!  You have nothing to lose because if comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee.  This isn’t about getting your money and running with it, this is about changing your understanding of what it really takes to have the healthiest mouth you want, and freeing you from the NEED to see someone else to keep you healthy!

I’d love nothing else for you to try it and tell the ones you love about it.  This is my passion, and my purpose, and it is at a price point that most everyone can afford, but if you can’t, call me, let’s talk and figure out how to get you healthy!Questions, comments, concerns?  Let me know about them!  Leave a comment, and I promise to reply!

With Grit and Gumption,Carrie

Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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