Bye Bye Binky

A few weeks ago we started talking about the inevitable.  It was becoming clear to us that we were at the stage to say bye bye binky.  There are a myriad of reasons I was looking to do this, with the main one being the health of his teeth.

Our little guy is lucky to have family that wants to spend so much time with him.  There are many weekends that my dad and stepmom take him camping, there have been countless trips to Disneyland and other fun adventures.  We are equally fortunate to also have my mom with us a few days a week to help with him and the house while we pursue our businesses.

We love the support and the quality time they spend with him, but one thing we cannot control is the foods that they share together.  Don’t get me wrong, they give him good foods that are healthy enough, but part of the children’s cavity epidemic comes from foods that are nutritionally sound.  I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve personally heard within the “natural” and “holistically” minded communities whose children’s teeth are decayed often requiring somewhat extreme treatment. 

This is not a judgment statement whatsoever; in fact, the main reason that it was time for “binky” to go was because our little one is beginning to show signs of breakdown in his mouth.  Fortunately, I noticed it early on and we were able to start remineralizing the teeth, but that is where the issue lies.  Most people don’t know what to look for and they certainly don’t typically have magnification loupes with a headlight attached!  Children’s cavities tend to progress pretty quickly due to the acidity in their mouth and the enamel being thin, so I’m extremely thankful we caught it in time

.We spent a lot of time talking about binky and noticing older children that didn’t have one.  We talked about feelings, and how it makes him feel (security).  We talked about growing up and using words to talk about feelings vs. just using a binky.  We talked about it being okay to be sad when binky is gone, and how we will miss it and we talked about how fun it will be to be able to eat the foods like mommy and daddy do (his upper teeth have not fully erupted which is a typical “side effect” of pacifiers). 

A friend of mine shared a website with me and had I seen it beforehand, I may have changed what we did a bit.  Randomly enough I now know many people who have used it and swear by it.  If you are getting ready to say bye-bye to your wee ones BFF make sure to visit and look into the tricks and tips they recommend.What tricks and tips worked for you?  One thing I loved about this post was the insight I received from so many parents, this child raising thing isn’t for the weak, but I do love it![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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