How to Get Rid of Bad Breath: The Root Causes and Effective Solutions

Have you ever been talking to someone and afterwards realized that your breath might have had that not so fresh feeling or smell?  Worse yet, have you ever been speaking to someone and you actually had to pull away or reposition your head so that you were at least out of direct line for the smell that was coming at you; one that is so bad you are quite certain that something died in there?

Please tell me I’m not the only one that smells the funk that lurks in people’s mouths!  When I say things like that I realize two things; 1. my career as a dental hygienist has really molded the things I notice in life, and 2. sometimes I think that a  dental hygiene career should have been  that on that TV show Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe.

Bad breath aka halitosis effects over 50% of the population

Bad breath is a big issue and a big money maker.  Have a look at the causes of bad breath (click the infographic to see more).  The problem with most rinses is that they do little do deal with the underlying issue and many even have a ton of chemicals, alcohol and other preservatives; most rinses simply mask the problem.

Fortunately, there are a few tricks that you can do to ensure your breath is not only fresh but that it also clean!  The organic herbs and essential oils in Tooth and Gums tonic actually kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, and at the same time balance the good bacteria and condition the tissues in your mouth!

There are 3 tricks that you can do with Tooth and Gums Tonic to make sure that your breath is as fresh as can be.

1. Rinse your mouth, and gargle with Tooth and Gums Tonic.  Gargling gets to the back of the tongue and the first part of the throat.  Try moving your head around when you gargle to make sure that you get the whole inside of your mouth and most importantly the back of the tongue.  The fats and oils from foods accumulate in the middle and back part of the tongue which is what gets stinky quickest. Mmmmmm, right? Try and rinse for a minute when possible.

2. After you’ve rinsed and gargled, dip your toothbrush in the Tonic and brush your tongue.  Hint, you pretty much need to gag in order to get as far back as you need to.  Take breaks and build up to getting back to the back of the tongue.  Look at your tongue and make sure it is pink and clean not white and coated.

3. Use Tooth and Gums Spritz (breath spray) to rid yourself of bad breath when you are out on the go whenever possible.  Make sure to coat the tongue and swish the spritz to get the whole mouth.  Keep a Spritz in your purse, or your briefcase, or carry one in your pocket.  Not sure if you need it?  Do the lick and sniff test.  Lick the back of your hand and let it dry for 5 seconds.  Smell it; fresh and clean, or not so much?

How do I know if I have bad breath?

Not sure if you have good or bad breath?  Here’s one quick way to tell.  Take a spoon, turn it upside down, and use it to scrape the very, very back portion of your tongue (don't be surprised if you gag).  Now, take a look at the gunk you've scrapped off. Is it a white color, or perhaps yellow or brown?

Go ahead and take a whiff of it….good or bad, chances are that’s the smell that is coming from your mouth. These 3 tricks may not be able to control WHAT comes out of your mouth, but at least they can help you control HOW it comes out of your mouth! If you’re suffering from bad breath, you are definitely not alone.

However, you can be a part of the half of the population that has fresh breath on a daily basis by using Tooth and Gums products.

What’s your favorite tip to make sure that your breath is fresh and clean

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Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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